Love & Connection

One of the reasons I love art so much is because of different peoples’ interpretations. Hearing peoples’ experiences of a specific art piece is fascinating, especially when their experience may be different
than my own.

When I saw this art piece, I had already learned about Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and was one EFT externship in. Naturally, this piece reaffirmed everything I learned about humans and connection,
through the lens of EFT.

Humans are social beings and we strive for connection, romantic and otherwise. I see the innocent children on the inside of the structure reaching for one other, striving for that connection that we are all looking for.

The adults are turned away from one another and in distress. The adults are not innocent in the sense that they have gone through the shit of the world and they have experienced pain. These experiences may be blocks to connection and reaching for people, no matter how much they want to.

And yet, connection may be the one thing a person needs to heal from their painful experiences.

As an EFT therapist, I will help you access and own your painful experiences. I will help you name and sit in the emotions that come up for you in the present moment. I will help you share your authentic experience with your partner and start building safety and connection again.

And don’t get me wrong, it is terrifying. Being vulnerable with anyone is freaking scary. Sharing your deepest and darkest experiences of this world is so hard that most people may turn away from one another instead. Sharing those parts of yourself is huge risk.

And without risk, there will be no deep connection. I will help you empower yourself and support you every step of the way. After all, being in those scary places is way easier when you have someone by your side.