will the real Ida Fariba please stand up?

I was asked today, “Who is Ida Fariba and what does she do?” and I was shocked to discover that I wasn’t exactly sure.

I am an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist, and I am qualified to work with all individuals, couples, and families.  Yet, that is not exactly who I want to work with.

I want to work with adult individuals and couples who have lost their way or experienced trauma.

Life is full of difficulties and challenges and traumas that do nothing but knock us on our asses…and it sucks. We lose so much of ourselves through these experiences.

And at the same time, we may also grow from these experiences if we cope with them in a healthy way. There are things in life that we cannot control; all we can do is learn and grow from them.

There is madness everywhere, including in ourselves. With the world that we live in, of course there is. Instead of shoving the madness away, I say embrace it.

We also have moonlight inside all of us. That inner moonlight is our heart fighting to shine past all the shit that we are surrounded by. The moonlight and the madness are part of us and make us that much more beautiful and unique.

Through talk therapy and yoga, I want to help people access their madness and teach them to live with their whole selves. That whole and authentic self is who they need to bring into their relationships for them to last. I want to help empower people to speak from this place of moonlight and madness.

That is who Ida Fariba is.