Finding that Special Someone

Throughout my journey becoming a therapist, the concept that stood out the most was our human need for connection.  It was the first time I had heard that humans need connection the same way we need water and air.  Yet, the more time I thought about it, the more sense it made.  I could not imagine a life of solitude and isolation without my support systems around me, nor would I need to.  Support systems are vital, and I can help you find and create your own.

And then, there is that one special human that leaves you feeling like this chaotic rollercoaster called life was completely and utterly worth it.

When you find that human that leaves you feeling the entire spectrum of emotions, that gives you a full-body experience, that creates sense and meaning in your life…do not let them go. There may be a million and one things stacked against you because we do not live in a perfect world.  It will not be easy; yet, what things in life worth anything are easily attainable?  We cannot cut corners and we cannot take shortcuts.  We must put in all our energy and effort.

It may very well be the hardest thing we do, and we will do it together.