Reaching out for support

…is not easy.  We are taught to be independent and self-reliant, which are beautiful traits to have.  We have the strength to handle whatever life throws at us and to get shit done, to stand on our own two feet with confidence.  We are resilient.

Asking for support does NOT take away from our strength and our resiliency.

Asking for support does NOT make us weak or unworthy.

I understand that there may be a part of all of us that wants to do things on our own.  That part of ourselves is the protector.  That part does not want us to rely on other people out of fear of disappointment or let down.  That part serves a purpose and higher function.  I acknowledge and appreciate that part.

Accepting support does not erase that part, rather it simply creates space for more parts and more possibilities.  Accepting support strengthens us and our connections in the long run.

Again, we can do anything on our own; I am not saying we can’t.  I am simply opening up the possibility that we don’t have to.